LEGO® Education Announces The 2022-2023 Ambassador Cohort 219

LEGO® Education Announces The 2022-2023 Ambassador Cohort


LEGO Education recognizes innovative educators from across the U.S. who are rethinking how students learn with hands-on STEAM learning

BILLUND, Denmark (November 3, 2022) LEGO® Education today announced the 2022-2023 cohort of its Ambassador Program, recognizing educators from across the U.S. who are leaders and advocates of learning through play in early learning through middle school.

The LEGO Education Ambassador Program is an inspiring group of individuals who lead by example as lifelong learners and continually look for ways to not only engage their students, but also deliver learning outcomes. The educators selected for the program share a passion for hands-on learning, while representing various backgrounds, skillsets, teaching experience, disciplines, district profiles, grade levels, and more. Each brings playful learning experiences into the classroom because they understand its impact in building confidence, resilience, and 21st century skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and critical thinking.

Through the program, educators connect and share ideas, experiences, and perspectives with other leaders in education at local and online events, on social media, and in the LEGO Education Community. As leaders in their schools, districts, and communities and with the support of their peers and LEGO Education, the Ambassadors can reach and inspire more educators and students to discover the joy in learning.

Educators apply annually for the LEGO Education Ambassador Program and are selected because they embody the values and mission of LEGO Education, are leaders and advocates of hands-on STEAM learning, and have demonstrated the impact of the LEGO Learning System in their classrooms. The 2022-2023 cohort includes returning members and welcomes many new educators, including classroom teachers, STEAM specialists, robotics instructors, and media specialists. These 80 educators represent 27 states across the U.S. and range from two to 35 or more years of teaching experience.

A complete list of the 2022-2023 LEGO Education Ambassador cohort is included below.

2022-2023 LEGO Education Ambassadors
Javier Aguilar Emma Erdman Gregory Kent Travis Russell
Sean Arnold Grace Finn Laura Knapp Carly Sapp
Mindy Bissett Nichole Gard Amy Kuntz Ali Schilpp
Vanessa Boone Angela Gier Andrea Lugo Rebecca Shields
Jeff Bradbury Jen Gilbert Katherine Mangum Emma Smith
Rebecca Bridges Theresa Goltermann Aaron Mauer Matthew Sterner-Neely
Daniel Buhrow Rebecca Gorlin Andrew McCormick Joey Tanaka
Joseph Bustillos Eric Greene Naomi Meredith Holli Taylor
Francisco Cajaraville Garrett Gross Alicia Miller John Thomas
Amanda Chacon Nathan Hack Eden Mosoff Michelle Touceda
Ian Chow-Miller Tzvi Hametz Joanna Mulholland Emily Trace
Ashley Clayton Kathy Hardesty Carol Munn Jacqueline Trembulak
Christopher Colson Erin Hardy Erik Murray Amy Trujillo
Paige Conti John Heffernan Bruce Nelson Teresa Vera
Maggie Cox Eric Heuerman Linda Padron Jameelah Wright
Olivia Davison Robert Holcomb Nancy Penchev Jeanne Wright
Kevin Deissler Nicole Howes Amanda Peterson Jason Zobl-Tar
Caroleann Del Juidice Amanda Hunt Peggy Reimers Eduardo Zurita
Arielle Denrich Anna Johnson Ryan Riess
Hannah England Shelley Kappeler Megan Rothrock

The LEGO Education Ambassador Program is a voluntary ambassador program. Ambassadors do not receive monetary compensation from LEGO Education for their participation in the program.
Blog #LEGOEduCommunity News! 11/03/2022 9:00am EDT

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Congratulations fellow LEGO Education Ambassadors! I'm humbled and excited to join in this innovative Community and looking forward to collaborating!


Congatulations everyone. Is there a similar program in Europe? I'm from Belgium.

I have the same question….

Grace Finn Grace Finn Nov '22

Congrats! I am looking forward to sharing with and learning from the best community in STEAM education! Great to see some Master Educators are here and a big welcome to all our new friends!

Congratulations everyone! I am excited to continue as an ambassador. This year should bring even more opportunities for our growth in learning and for sharing with others. Can't wait to learn from all of you.

Congratulations to all the LEGO Education Ambassadors!!!!!!!!!!

This is awesome. Congratulations to those who got a chance to further their education and creativity through this position. I wish this were also available for Kenya (or a similar initiative) so that I could make my contribution.

I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing group of creative people and I look forward to the collaboration journey ahead through the awesome world of LEGO Education!

Maggie Cox Maggie Cox Nov '22

Excited to continue learning in this group!

So great to see so many new names along with some veterans that I have known for over a decade through LEGO Education! Really excited to work with people again!

IAN! Miss you my friend! So glad to see that you are with this group!

Pedro Melo Pedro Melo Nov '22

Good news !!!!!.. I would like to be a part of this amazing initiative!!

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