Create imaginative solutions to open-ended problems!
Welcome Teachers, Parents, Coaches, and other Educators!
Dr. E's Challenges provide community members with an opportunity to design, build, and share creative solutions to challenges from anywhere in the world. As an educator, you can get familiar with LEGO Education products and how they can enhance education by trying these Dr. E’s Challenges yourself, then bring them to your students or own children and see how they solve the different problems. Creativity and sharing of creations in this community is encouraged, so please share your own designs or on behalf of your students and kids!Professor Ethan ("Dr. E") Danahy runs Dr. E's Challenges from within Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO). Dr. E and the whole team at Tufts CEEO are grateful to LEGO Education for providing space within the new LEGO Education Community for us to try out a new pilot relaunch of Dr. E's Challenges (To view challenges from the past, please visit the old Dr. E's Challenges site.)
Where to go now? See our welcome message
New Skill Builders! Dr. E’s Challenges: Skill Builders is an opportunity for community members to build upon their engineering and building skills. Dr. E’s Challenges: Skill Builders will not be a competition, but will encourage community members to take the resources provided to develop engineering skills in preparation for Dr. E’s Challenges to return in January of 2021. Community members will build their own Engineering Skill Builder Portfolios where they can collect engineering skills while showcasing their own designs!

Skill Builder 4
Engineering Design Process and Portfolio Building
Launching December 7, 2020
Think Like an Engineer Blogs
Dr. E's Challenges News
Dr. E's Challenges recently wrapped up its first LEGO brick challenge called Animal and Habitat . We had so many great submissions that we couldn't just pick one to highlight! Check out the video below to see all of Dr. E's Top Picks! If you are new to Dr. E's Challenges and want a place to get started check out our other blog posts for tips on how to post to Dr. ...
Challenge 1: Animal and Habitat is no longer accepting submissions, but is open for voting until Wednesday, August 12th, 2020. Challenge 2: Pet Helper is accepting submissions until Monday, August 17, 2020.
Submissions from Dr. E's Challenges
Summer 2020 Successes
Take a look back at some old Dr. E's Challenges from the Summer of 2020
Fan Favorites
About Tufts CEEO
Dr. E’s Challenges is brought to you by Ethan “Dr. E” Danahy from the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) at Tufts University. Tufts CEEO is a leader in “improving education through engineering” for K-12 and university classrooms. The fundamental belief motivating our education research, educational technologies, and outreach is that this integration helps students develop critical skills and improved excitement for learning, leading to wider technical literacy, higher quality of life, and greater environmental responsibility awareness. Click here to learn more about Tufts CEEO and our various research, resources, and activities.