Notifications and Subscriptions
Adjust what messages you receive in the community
Written Steps
Control what messages the community sends to you around the actions that are happening in the community.
  1. In the top left corner of any page on the community, click your name, then select "My Account"
  2. Select "notifications" tab
  3. Select your preferred notification level
  4. Click "Save Changes"
Subscriptions control what appears in your digests. Digests show you blogs, discussions, and content that has been published. You can select Instant, Daily, Weekly, or None.
  1. In the top left corner of any page on the community, click your name, then select "My Account"
  2. Select Subscriptions Tab
  3. Select the preferred status
  4. Click "Save Changes"
Emails and Inbox, Account Settings
Key Words
#subscriptions #dailydigest #notifications #sitemessages
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