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Great! Do you have sample code for this?
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Thank you so much! I appreciate this and have tried to do this myself and can't download the LEGO Studio Designer on my computer so I've had a big sigh of relief seeing this and can finally complete this build with our students. You are a lifesaver!
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Great work
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What is A B and C variable stand for? Could you please explain a little bit?
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My students loved it.
Thanks for sharing.
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Love this resource!
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This is a great explain of adding negative numbers. It would be helpful if you had the minifig do that a few more times to cement understanding.
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Do you have any premade lesson plans with value for specific Lego items? I am running a financial literacy program for k-2 and 3-5 graders and want to create it around Lego design challenges.
What exactly do you mean? What tasks would you be interested in? Unfortunately, I don't have any tasks in this category, but if you specify what you would like, I can look into it.
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