Thank you for your interest in the LEGO® Education Ambassador Program. We are always excited to connect with passionate educators who share our mission in building their students’ confidence and 21st century skills with hands-on learning.

The LEGO Education Ambassador Program is currently only available in the U.S. We welcome all global educators to join the LEGO Education Community to get connected and receive the latest LEGO Education news.

This resource is meant to help support you in the application process. Please read this carefully before applying.

This Applicant Guide includes:
  • Program overview
  • Application process
  • Application questions preview*
*Preview questions only available in the downloadable version of the Applicant Guidelines. Please note that these materials are for informational purposes only. Submissions must be completed using the online form. 
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Program Overview
What is the LEGO® Education Ambassador Program?
The LEGO Education Ambassador Program is a volunteer ambassador program. It is a community of early learning through middle school educators who use the LEGO® Learning System in their classrooms to inspire future generations.

Ambassadors embody the mission of LEGO Education to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow by enabling every student to succeed. They share their hands-on LEGO® learning experiences with others and they want to be a part of a like-minded community to learn from one another.

Ambassadors are given opportunities to provide valuable feedback to LEGO Education with the intent to advance hands-on learning, to participate in LEGO Education or industry events with the team, to join discussions where they are invited to share best practices, and more! 

Who should apply?
We are looking for early learning to middle school classroom educators* who currently use the LEGO Learning System in their everyday teaching. They are fully aligned to the mission of LEGO Education and want to share their experiences and expertise with others.

Please note that to avoid a potential conflict of interest, individuals with school or district-wide purchasing or procurement authority are not eligible to participate in the LEGO Education Ambassador Program. Refer to the Participation Agreement on page 11 of the downloadable version of the guide for more details. 

If accepted into the program, the applicant has an obligation to check with their school district purchasing policies and affirm in the Participation Agreement that they do not have the authority to make high level purchasing decisions on behalf of his or her school or district. 
*This includes educators, administrators and learning specialists who are actively working in the classroom.

What can I expect as a LEGO® Education Ambassador?
Some of the potential unique opportunities that Ambassadors have include:
  • Best practice sharing with fellow participants around the world
  • Feedback sessions with the LEGO® Education team
  • Web and online recognition
  • A digital Ambassador badge
  • Insider news about hands-on LEGO learning programs and solutions
  • Written verification for participating in Professional Development may be provided

What is expected of me as an Ambassador?
Ambassadors will be asked to contribute to online sessions with the LEGO Education team to share relevant experiences, provide feedback, and connect with other Ambassadors in the program. Ambassadors must be active participants in the LEGO Education Community

Full expectations include:
  • Completing the free introductory Professional Development course provided by LEGO Education (proof of prior completion is also accepted)
  • Participating in at least three of four (3 of 4) quarterly online sessions with the LEGO Education team to share relevant experiences, provide feedback, and connect with other leaders in education
  • Contributing to the LEGO Education Community by starting and/or replying to discussion posts at least once per month
  • Participating in at least two (2) activities per quarter, which may include one or more of the following:
    • Raising awareness of LEGO Education in his/her networks including but not limited to attending local events, participating in online chats, posting in online forums, or directing users from third-party communities to the official LEGO Education Community;
    • Sharing LEGO Education news and activities on his/her social channels;
    • Serving as volunteer representatives of LEGO Education at select LEGO Education events as may be requested;
    • Providing feedback to LEGO Education’s curriculum, product development and/or research teams, in a format determined by LEGO Education, as requested by LEGO Education;
    • Sharing experiences and opinions relating to LEGO Education products and solutions, including but not limited to in webinars, media interviews and/or social media chats, hosted or arranged by LEGO Education; or
    • Drafting or contributing to blog posts, thought leadership topics or other content as requested by LEGO Education.
Please note that Ambassadors must meet the above participation requirements to remain in the program and will be asked to provide an update on activities twice a year.

Ambassadors could also be invited to participate in any of the following activities as needed and as willing: 
  • Raise on-going awareness of LEGO Education in their networks
  • Be part of the LEGO Education team at events*
  • Provide feedback to curriculum, product development and research teams
If selected, applicants will be required to complete the LEGO Education Ambassador Participation Agreement with guidelines for program participation and may also be subject to a Criminal Background Check. Please review the Ambassador Guidelines found on page 11 in the downloadable version of this guide before applying. 
*subject to availability in the Ambassadors’ geographic location.


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Selection Criteria
The Ambassadors will be selected by a panel appointed by LEGO Education.
Submissions will be judged against the following criteria:
  • If you meet the foundational requirements of the program and accurately complete the application
    • Foundational Requirements:
      • Classroom teacher (not afterschool or home school)
      • Teach elementary or middle school students
      • Currently use LEGO Education solutions
      • Based in the U.S.
  • The creativity, professionalism and energy exhibited in the submission 
  • How you demonstrate your commitment to and enthusiasm for embodying the mission and philosophy of LEGO Education 
  • Innovative and creative teaching practices with LEGO Education solutions that show your dedication to hands-on and engaged learning
  • Commitment to teaching and capacity for sustained contribution to the teaching community
  • Ambassadors will be selected based on a mix of grades, geographic locations, experiences and participation interests

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Application Process
In order to be considered for the LEGO® Education Ambassador program, please see below:
□     You are member of the LEGO® Education Community
□     You have submitted a completed online application
□     You have shared a current photo with
□     You have created a max. 2-minute video. 

Your 2-Minute Video
In your 2-minute video, please address the following questions:
  1. What impact does hands-on learning have for your students?
  2. How are you using LEGO Education in your classroom to engage students?

Video Tips   
  • Be creative and compelling in your answers!
  • Tell your story by providing us with a look into your classroom
  • Share specific examples of how you have seen LEGO® Education solutions make an impact in your students’ learning
  • Only include images, video, etc. that you have permission to share
  • Be sure to appear in the video or include images of yourself as you narrate the story – in a way that is engaging and not just a “talking head”
  • Post your video somewhere that allows you to create a URL to share it with us (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram). You will be asked to include the link as part of your application.

Final Application Reminders
  • Please ensure that you have read all application materials carefully before applying
  • Remember that you will need to include the link to your video
  • This application should take approximately 1 hour to complete

Please email with any questions or concerns.    

NOTE: If you require reasonable accommodations to complete the LEGO Education Ambassador application, please email and indicate how best we can support you.

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